
$400 Consultation | One Hour Meeting

Together we will walk your outdoor space and create clarity on what you need and want.  After our meeting, you will receive a one-page Custom Site Assessment with recommendations tailored to you.  You will have the insight you need to begin your Immersive Landscape Design Experience and suggestions on how to get started.  Having a copy of the survey of your property is very helpful.

Your Customized Site Assessment

What are the unique properties/elements of where I live? What do I appreciate? How may I amplify the good points? 

What are the unique challenges of my landscape?  What steps do I need to take to make my space function better for me? 

What is one actionable step I can take to help me towards my goals? 

(Such as add privacy planting, add fencing for animals, add patio entertaining area, improve drainage) 

Suggested Immersive Landscape Design options